Wednesday, December 28, 2005


A few days late but close enough :)

Monday, December 26, 2005


Well Christmas is over for another year! I had a good day yesterday we had 11 people over for dinner which is a first! We usually don't do that kind of thing at Christmas so it made a nice change and it was good to see people. I am looking forward to having things get back to normal though. I get bored really easily over Christmas and I'm just looking forward to going out and seeing people again. There's still a good few of my good mates that I haven't seen yet and I've been back since Wednesday!

Anyway moving on... I have had the chance these past 2 days to spend a lot of time working on my website. I discovered a blog called frostbolt which I found while playing around on google and I liked it! It's a World of Warcraft blog but I really liked the look of the site, seemed to have had a fair bit of customisation done to it, loads quick and is even valid xhtml! (don't know what I mean don't worry). So I did some investigating and found out what blogging system the author was using and gave it a try myself. It's called wordpress and it's pretty sweet, I've been fiddling around with the templates and got it all working well enough but, I can only do so much on this PC because it's rubbish. I even managed to import all my old blogs from blogspot which was a major selling point for wordpress as I did not want to louse the last few months posts and comments.

You can see the site at I'm going to continue to post my blogs on blogspot and myspace I've disabled comment posting on blogspot though, sorry Downs you'll just have to come to my site to comment :D. Theres been a small amount of activity on the forums with 4 members and 11 posts. Pretty pathetic if you ask me so get on the site people! Get involved.

No picture today. I just don't have any on this computer I'll try to get some for next time.

Friday, December 23, 2005

"Too the happy couple"

On Tuesday I had the pleasure of going to Matthew Maude and Miriam (Mim) Hiltons wedding. It was a brilliant day a big congratulations to you guys. Matt and Mim have only known each other a little more than a year and started seeing each other on January 1st of this year! Which is really cool, kinda puts things in perspective. To imagine that I could start seeing someone on January 1st and be married to them in less than a year... Crazy. Not that it's gonna happen, I'm defiantly not ready for marriage.

I'm back home in Kent now which has been pretty cool so far. I've had a bit of a boring day today though there's nothing really to do. Yesterday I finished off my shopping when I went into town with Maggie and saw a bunch of the guys at the pub in the evening. We are still in need of a venue for New Years Eve, we really need somewhere to have a party.

I've been doing a lot of looking around on the web because I've been bored and talking to my mates who still play world of warcraft. Man I miss that game. I'm really tempted to start playing again in the new year. I've been saying that I'll wait for the expansion pack to come out before I install it again but the way things are going now I dunno. Anyways Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you get what you want and enjoy the day tomorrow!

Matthew and Miriam cutting their wedding cake.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

King Kong

I spent the first part of this week getting my new website up and running. The long promised webspace form xengaming has finally arrived and I have to say that I'm very impressed. Unlimited space and Bandwidth for £30 a year is without a doubt the best webhosting package on the planet. It took 6 months to get it all working but I'm a patient man. So go check out I've setup the forums and gallery again so register and start posting! You can also upload your photos to the gallery now if you want somewhere to store photos or whatever.

I had my interview in London on Wednesday which went ok. I don't think I'll get it though. I got to spend the evening in Kent though which was really good. I really miss the south and can't wait to get home for Christmas. I saw Graham, Lou, Bec and Franko which was really cool we went to the hop farm and just had a few drinks. Next day I came back up to Middlesbrough with my new phone which rocks. I've been taking a load of photos with it and I'm pretty impressed.

The Journey back to Middlesbrough from my interview

Thursday night was our CU Christmas social which was lots of fun, we had a Christmas themed quiz which our team did pretty well in (4th I think). Then on Friday it was the end of term party at the union 15 hours of Christmas. Went round my mate Jay's at 9:30am went to the union to get our free breakfast hung around for a little while then went back to his and watched some Eddie Izzard. At 1pm went to meet some others at the Cinema and saw King Kong. It's the best film I've seen for a long time with the most impressive special effects I've ever seen, it's long but Peter Jackson can't make short films e.g. Lord of the Rings. Defiantly worth seeing it's a brilliant mix of action/special effects with the strange love story, but it works you really do feel for Kong. After watching it you also my have the urge to grab a blonde lass and carry her to the top of some tall building, let out a roar and beat your chest! After seeing King Kong we went back to the union and partied the night away!

Club One at the Students Union 15 Hours of Christmas.

Today I have nothing much to do so I'm having a well deserved rest. I didn't get in until 3am last night and considering I started at 9:30am I think that's pretty good going. 17 hours partying at my age takes it out of you!

As promised here's a photo from house party a few weekends back we tried to get another row of people but couldn't do it and ended up with a big heap of people on the floor.

Friday, December 09, 2005

"Get a haircut you hippy!"

Well I did! As many of you know I don't like having my haircut which is why its so long usually! For once I like it though so that's a good thing! I've got an interview for placement next week so I've got to look slightly presentable. I would tell you who I'm going for the interview with but I would have to kill you. Seriously... Anyway the annoying thing about it is that I'm going down to London on Wednesday for this interview, staying at my house that evening. Coming back up to uni for 1 more day of lectures (which I will not be going to because its the 15 hours of Christmas) and more importantly Matt and Mim's wedding on the following Tuesday. Then the very next day I'm going back down to Kent again! I will have Pete for company though this time which will make the journey much more interesting!

I'm still amazed by the amount of information on wikipedia (as you can find out if you follow any of my links today) they have everything! Nothing much to say really had a manic few days so I'm off to bed. Tomorrow night I'm off out to the School Disco that the Students Union is having. Usually everyone dresses up as school girls/boys but this one is special because it's the Nativity Play theme, so I expect to see lots of shepherds with tea towels over the heads, a few too many inflatable sheep, a few angels and who knows what else! The CU is also doing carol singing outside the Union before the whole thing which will be a good outreach and pretty funny I'm sure because we'll all be dressed up too! Pictures at some point!

A picture of lake back home, can't wait to get back!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Information Overload!

Good and reasonably productive day today, I haven't done any work but it's been one of those days where I got lots of little important things done. So now hopefully I can concentrate harder on doing some work. I sorted out the tax exemption form (because student don't have to pay it woohoo!), set things in motion for getting an interview for placement next year sorted and ordered my new phone (very excited about that one!).

These past couple of days I've had the opportunity to help out my good friend Matt Maude who is getting married in just under 2 weeks now. He's just moved into his house so has loads of things to do so I've been helping him get things sorted wherever I can. I've been lifting heavy stuff, making flatpack wardrobes and things. It's really good fun actually I haven't had any real experience doing that stuff and it's good practice for me when I eventually go down that road myself!

Also if your bored (and if your reading this you probably are or at least will be by now) then check out this site I stumbled upon the other day It's an online encyclopedia that anyone can add too or change. There is so much information in there it's crazy I spent all afternoon reading about Jehovah's Witnesses, Freemasons and all kinds of other things. I think as a Christian I think it's important to know what other religions/cults believe in relation to what I believe it's pretty fascinating. This site is really cool because anything your unsure of is bound to have a link explaining it, also almost any name or place mentioned will have a whole section of its own too. I could easily get lost in this site for hours!

I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit, need to do my shopping bigtime! Here's my new wallpaper! As always from check it out!

Monday, December 05, 2005

House party

Once a year the CU goes away together for a weekend and that my friends is where I have been this weekend. We all met outside the union at 4:45 and at 6:00 we left; traffic was to blame but we all knew we wouldn't be leaving on time and anyways we got to spend an hour in the bar instead. The next 3 hours were spend in one of the 3 mini-buses that too us, it would of been a great journey except Westwood was on the radio for the last half an hour or so... If you don't know who Tim Westwood is count yourself lucky.

For the next 2 days we were in Newcastleton just the other side of the Scottish borders a little place called Whithaugh Park. I Love the country side and this place was awesome miles from nowhere, no TV or internet just 2 days full of Teaching, Worship and a game or two of Risk.

The speaker we had with us was amazing, his name is Steve Braye and he had his son with him too. He's an ex-military guy who used to be in the SAS which would of been enough to keep me interested for a weekend but he has the most amazing testimony and his relationship with God really just shines out of him. The teaching was a mix of a lot of things which was actually really good because it just gave God a chance to do more in me. If only the weekend was longer! Now I have to process what went on there and it was a lot. Choices, The way of the cross, sexuality, freedom in Christ and a whole bunch of other things. Lets just say God's doing a lot way too much to talk about here but I'm sure this isn't the last you'll hear of it.

This is Newcastleton the somewhere in the background is the place we were staying at, Saturday afternoon a bunch of us walked into town though. I'll post some more pictures when I get them.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Romans (8:38-39)

Had a pretty good day today this week it was big group instead of small group, I'll explain. Basically instead of having small group every week at church we have small group one week and big group the next. It's a pretty cool idea because it gives all the small groups a chance to get to know each other more. Tonight we were talking about spiritual giftings, something I've never really been sure of is it what my giftings are. So when they asked if people wanted prayer I was up and had a really cool picture from Matt Maude (such an awesome guy) saying that I would be leading the spiritually poor and seeing them turn to God. I've had words about leadership in my life before I suppose one of my issues is thinking that I don't have what it takes. That's not cool though because it goes against what God is saying, I have no problem with having faith and trusting in God to see other peoples lives changed but when it comes to my life I don't have so much confidence. Change that GOD!

Found this while looking though my photos of our outreach in Texas! Very cool it's on one of Deliverance Bible Church's walls!

"These are the things that make me free
I feel like I'm stuck in "stand by me"
This night was too good to be true."

The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rules

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I've decided that it's time I started giving my blogs titles, the reason they didn't have them before is laziness but now that myspace won't let me post a blog without a title it looks like I'm gonna have to start using them!

These past few weeks I've been playing Fable I played it last year on the xbox and when I found the PC version I thought I would give it a go. It's just as much fun as it was on the xbox and even more so because they've added loads of new quests for the PC version which I didn't get to do first time round. It's also helped me get over not playing World of Warcraft anymore, I miss wow... It was a great game but the trouble is it never ends! That's the trouble with all MMORPG's they just never end! I think for the sake of my sanity and social life that games should always have an end! Which is why I picked up Fable it's a great RPG (similar to wow in many ways) but it has an end when I finish the game I have to stop playing because there's nothing more for me to do!

Back to Fable anyway by far the best thing for me in the game is the voice acting it's just so funny! Lionhead Studio's are really good at this in all there games but in Fable it's classic really extreme British accents, not the posh ones but all the other stuff, the geezers, the farmers the stoned guys at the start! It's hilarious! The story line is ok not great it seems to take big jumps and I didn't really know why I was doing certain things. It also has loads of mini games like archery competitions, fist fighting, you can buy rent out and upgrade properties to make some cash, you age, you can get married (if you like) or go to the brothel! The big feature of the game is that you can choose to be good or evil. This seems to be happening in a lot of games now, the actions you take during the game govern the way people around you react to you presence. If you really nice they will cheer but if your evil then they'll run and hide. Not only that but your appearance also changes over time if your really good then you'll end up with a halo over your head, if your bad then you'll get devil horns! Of course I went for the good side but I might re-load one of my save games and just be all out evil to see what it like.

My Character in Fable

"We hung out at the rainbow where we drank til' half past two.
Nothing could go wrong anytime that I'm with you.
Like crashing a hotel room or leading up to that first kiss
Or searching for a high school that you know doesn't exist..."

The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rools

Monday, November 28, 2005

Ahhh Blogspot, how much the people at myspace have to learn. Today I spent a few hours sorting out what my profile and blog looks like over on myspace, I'm semi happy with it now, happier than I was anyway. Since a lot of my friends use myspace I've decided to start posting my blog there too just so that I get a little more of a reaction. I'm not happy about it but it's got to be done I guess. If your bored go take a look but I warn you it's horrible!

Last night I went to see Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire overall I would say it's a good film nothing to get excited about really it's an improvement on the other films (I know that's not a difficult thing) but it still could of been a lot better. It felt too long for a start and yet being a big fan of the books I know how much they missed out. The acting... Well lets face it there getting better Daniel Radcliffe does make me laugh sometimes though it's just that bad and did they actually have any lessons at Hogwarts this year? I think there was one lesson in the film. They did do a lot of things well though, the special effects were very good as always, the Tri-Wizard Tournament was very well done I thought and all the stuff that they really should of got right they did e.g. The Return of "He who must not be named" was excellently done. The fact that it was a 12a certificate this time really did help, made for a much darker film. Oh and a few of my friends who had seen the film before were saying that Hermione Granger (aka Emma Watson) was kinda sexy... I just have to say NO! Wrong, wrong, wrong! She's 15!

This is my Favorite Picture of me :D On a lake in Canada

"Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,
Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line.
I drove you to your house where we stared up at the stars
I listened to your heartbeat as I held you in my arms."

The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rools

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I just finished watching episode 8 of Lost (series 2) . I have to say that up until now series 2 hasn't really been that great. I suppose the first 7 episodes were a big build up to this one episode and now the story can get back into it's normal What the hell is going on, Twists every episode and Lots of weird stuff has happened but we won't explain any of it but I Love it! I've defiantly never been this into a TV show before it's just not normally the sort of thing I get excited about. Apparently the writers have enough material for another 12 years so if you haven't started watching it yet then you've got plenty of time.

Hurley (the guy on the right) is defiantly my favorite character he's a bit of a legend and Charlie who is good in Lost but I think he will always be a hobbit to me.
I thought about posting some pic's from season 2 but most of you Brits probably don't want me soiling anything for you.
I'm off to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire tonight I'll probably post a review of it tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Tonight I spoke at small group. I'm really not every comfortable speaking in a group setting so it was a but streching which was good. I think it went ok I tried to turn it into more of a discussion which worked well because people were pretty responsive. All in all a good night. We had small group here as well which was really good because I didn't have to go out into the cold! and I got to be the host which never happens. I spoke on distraction which is a pretty big topic. Just talking about the things that distract us from God and how we can deal with them and give more of our time to God. Distraction is something that everyone struggles with and everyone had different ways that they deal with distraction so I think everyone learnt a bit from each other. Also gave us a chance to open up to each other which doesn't normal happen with the whole group, we normal split up into guys and gals.

It's a good job today was my day off too because I woke up in agony! Yesterday every muscle in my arms and shoulders was seriously hurting! Today it was even worse! I literally couldn't get out of bed for ages! Hopefully they'll be alright tomorrow!

I want this phone to have my babies!!! :(

Monday, November 21, 2005

Well tonight I went on my first trip with the mountaineering Club. We went to an indoor climbing wall somewhere an hour out of Middlesbrough (I forget where) and it was really good. I wasn't expecting to find it quite such hard work but man it was. My fingers and knees ache now from it all every time I did a climb it took at least 10 minutes to recover! That's just down to my lack of fitness though. I used to climb a lot with my dad when I was younger I don't know why or when I stopped but I wish I hadn't because tonight was great and I'll defiantly be going back next week.

(defiantly not me climbing)

I love this website, the wallpapers on there are brilliant! One to suit almost every mood and feeling. I've been using it for years so I thought I would share it with you. If your looking for somewhere to get good original backgrounds then give it a look. I just changed mine, I seem to be changing them with the weather. A few weeks back it was raining loads so I went with a rainy pic, now it's getting cold I've gone for a cold look.

And no the guy that makes these isn't paying me, just take a look. I've had a pretty good day today, church was very holy sprity again which I love. Had a great chat with my mate Jo on the way back from lunch at the pub. It's just good to know that I'm not the only one that struggles with girls and that I'm not the only one that's trying to just give it all to God. Not a dig at anyone who is dating or engaged, bless you guys :)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

"Look at the lengths men will go to find the golden-haired woman. They have fought duels over her beauty; they have fought wars. You see, every man remembers Eve. We are haunted by her. And somehow we believe that if we could find her, get her back, then we'd also recover with her our own lost masculinity."
I read this the other night and thought. Yeah. Women. Man how many times have I fallen for someone thinking that I had found "The One" or "The answer to all my problems". It's bullshit. It can't keep happening. But it does. Why can't I just be content with having friends that are girls? When I'm not interested in anyone then I feel like I'm missing something. I feel the need to have a woman in my life to think about and worry about. I guess that's healthy for a guy but I'm tired of getting hurt I guess. Give it to God and let him take care of it I guess.

Anyway. I've had a pretty good few days, Friday night went to a prayer meeting for a churches together thing that's happening around here. I was actually really encouraged. One thing that really annoys me about the churches in England is that they all have something against each other. I don't know why Catholics, Church of England and all the rest of them don't like each other. I don't really care. It all seems a bit petty and childish to me. It's time to let all that stuff go because if all the churches in the UK would just work together then we would see God move a lot more. Anyway, this meeting I was at I was really encouraged. There was about 300 people there for about 15-20 different churches in Middlesbrough and they really seem to be having a go at working together. We've got a event being planned for 2007 in the Riverside stadium and these meetings are just about praying for the event, the area, each other and each others churches. I think it's awesome. Unity in the church is something that I'm really passionate about so it's great to see stuff like this.

Finally. Today was Matt Maudes stag do. It was really cool. He kind of knew that something was going on but didn't know what. He got a bit of a shock this morning when he saw us all standing at the end of his road. We took him off to Newcastle and played laser quest for a couple of hours, then came back to Middlesbrough and had some dinner whilst watching a movie. Laser quest was defiantly the highlight of the day. I haven't played since I was like 12. Running around in the dark shooting people and crashing into walls. It was expensive though I'm fairly sure it's doubled in price since I last played and by the looks of it the equipment and scenery hasn't been updated or had any work done to it since the place was built (which was probably about 10 years ago). It was a good laugh though. Matt is an awesome guy, I'm so blessed to have him here with me. God must of done that for a reason because the chances of us both being at the same University are pretty low.

Anyway I've said enough! More than enough!

This is the stadium where that event will be held in 2007! Pray that God will fill it to overflowing!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Just a quick post today to say Happy Birthday to FFS the clan is 1 year old today! There doing really well top of division 4 in the wireplay league I've been watching there matches since they started out and know most of them pretty well. So well done guys maybe next year you'll be top of division 3 :D

Here's a picture from one of there games a few weeks back against mm. I believe mm got owned.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

"For after years of living in a cage, a lion no longer even believes it is a lion... and a man no longer believes he is a man."
John Eldredge - Wild at Heart
I guess this sums up how I feel at the moment I read this book and something inside me just cries out to be wild. I remember when I used to go to the woods and climb trees, explore, have stick fights, build camps, swing on rope swings, burn things, jump over streams and the list goes on. I guess I just grew up and society tells us that were too old for playing in the woods, we should do something useful with our time. We put ourselves in a cage and then later wonder why we feel so depressed, like were going nowhere and so unsure of ourselves. I need Adventure and Risk! I can't keep sitting here wasting my time and regretting it when the day is over. What have I achieved today? I went to the prayer meeting this morning and sure it was good, a great start but that really is all I've done the rest of the day was just a waste of time.

God has been revealing a lot of stuff to me recently and it's all pretty deep stuff that I need to do but why can't I do it? I play computer games because I'm lonely here and there is no one around. What else is there to do though? How do I fill the gap in my life that gaming will leave? What will I do? I know the answer to these questions is God. Spend time with him and let him fill that hole in my life... but that's a lot of time to spend with God I'm sure the more time the better but... Man I dunno.

I want to make this work God, I can't keep going backwards... Help me get it right God or at least help me do it better.

Wild times in Canada.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

This weekend has been awesome! Had Marie-Claire round since Friday evening and we had soo much fun. Friday night we went out to play pool with everyone one from CU and that was great somehow made it to the semi-finals of the tournament. Then Saturday spent the day in town and both of us brought new shoes. Saturday eve went to see Wallace and Gromit - Curse of the Were-Rabbit which I defiantly recommend. After that we went to see a gig at the union we saw The Columbos who are a band we have to design a website for as one of my projects this year, they were pretty good I thought, surfer type music was pretty cool. Then today we went to church and then out for lunch with everyone in the CU. Its been so nice having company all the time because I realise now that I spend a lot of my time on my own kinda a bit lonely now :(.

Also took a bit of a big step today and quit World of Warcraft (or am in the process of quitting) so I won't be playing it at all anymore. Sounds silly but it will be hard for me, I've been playing since last January now and have a lot of friends that play so I'll miss spending time with them but it's something I know I have to do. God has been calling me to give it up for a long time and I just haven't had the guts to do it but last night that kind changed I couldn't sleep for hours. The reason for that is because I'm reading Wild at Heart again it just stirs something in my heart when I read about it and I know I the things it's talking about. The main principle of the book is that men need 3 things and if they don't have them then something inside of them dies. An Adventure to live. Battle to fight. A Beauty to rescue. So I'm trying to get rid of some of the distraction in my life to make room for that stuff.

Another big bit of news is that I'm stepping down as co-leader of FM (FM is our gaming clan) I wasn't really doing much in it anyway anymore Watchout has been running it all pretty much. So to let someone else have a chance (someone that actually wants to be more involved) I'm just gonna step down to being a member. This will hopefully give me even more free time to do the things that I want to do because playing computer games all day everyday is fun but I need to let go of that stuff and make room for God!

I just and to say big thanks to all the guys that I've played with this past year it's been great getting to know you and I had a lot of fun. I'm not going anywhere I'll still be around on IRC, TS and on the forums but you won't see me so much in game. No disrespect to any of you either gaming is great but I need to spend more time IRL.

Here's a bit of a silly pic of me and Marie-Claire from our Prom way back in 2002 - wow how old am I!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Well it's been a few days since my last blog so I think it's about time to post. Had a pretty uneventful few days nothing really that exciting to say. Yesterday (which is part to blame for the lack of blog) Civilization 4 arrived, crazy American spellings. It's a great game lots of improvements have been made since the last civilisation game.

For those that don't know the civilisation games allow you to run civilisation of your choosing. Which for me yesterday was the English. You build cities which grow over time, armies to defend agaisnt war or go and start your own, research scientific advances which allows you to improve your cities/armies etc. The games take a long time to play, you start in 4000bc and work your way up to modern times and beyond. The game I played yesterday took 6 hours. It's good fun though one of the new things in this game is they've put religion in the game so I spend a lot of my time building Christian Missionaries and sending them into other civilisations territories to convert them. This got the Spanish annoyed at me though because I had "Fallen under the influence of a heathen Religion" I think they were Buddhist or something. Anyways they eventually started a war with me which they lost. There musketeers and cannons weren't much use against my Tanks and Machine gunners, although there were more than a few occasions where my tanks or helicopters were destroyed by guys on horseback... Which I think is a little unrealistic.

Another area that's been improved alot is the graphics it's all 3D now and there's all kinds of stuff going on all the time that you can see. For example you zoom in on a mine and you can see the little mine carts bring stuff out of the mountains, you can see the sheep and cows moving around in the fields and you can see your cities grow in size and the improvements and wonders that you build in them. So if your looking for a good strategy game then I highly recommend this no complaints really only that it's too dammed addictive.

A few days ago I also got my first placement application to fill out. Next year I have the option of doing a years paid placement somewhere which I'm hoping to do providing I can find a decent one. The application I got if for the Ministry of defenses statistics department in London. It sound incredibly boring and I really don't want to do it. So I'm gonna fill out the application (which we have to do) tomorrow and try to do a bad job of it and just hope that something better come along soon.

Also tomorrow Marie-Claire is coming to stay for the weekend and I'm excited about seeing her again. We didn't see each other very much at all over the summer because she was up in Leeds working and I was down in Kent so it'll be great to catch up. That probably means that there will be no blogging either which is why this one is extra long.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Last Day of 6th Form 18th of May 2001.

6th Form was the Greatest!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Church today was cool. Got to see lots of crazy Holy Sprit stuff people with the shakes, falling over etc. I guess it's just something that I don't see that much and when I do see it now it's even cooler! There's a lot of new Christians around too and I like to think how much it must freak them out! God's power is awesome though. I want to get used to seeing stuff like that again because it doesn't happen enough!

Here's a picture from the school in Canada of some early morning fire tunnel fun!

I realised today that I have a bit of a problem with this blog. I've got at least 4 different groups of people who are likely to read it. There's people from home, people from Uni, people from the school in Canada and people I know online. I don't really know what to talk about. I can't just gear it towards one group of people because then the others will louse interest. So I guess the only way around it is to vary what I talk about as much as possible to try and keep everyone interested.

Anyway its November 5th today which means it's been like a warzone out side all night. Fireworks going off all over the place thankfully we didn't get any through our letterbox, but it is still only 12:40 so I guess there's still a chance but lets hope not!

Also... I keep getting sent these damned invitations to join peoples friends networks and to stop the spam once and for all I decided to join one. From what I can tell it is a spamfest inside too. I sign up to this thing and its sent a load of invitations off to people asking them to join my network, people I'm sure I don't know. I'm beginning to think that it was a bad move! I think I'll just stick with the blogging :D

Here's a pic of home - how I miss it...

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Today has been rather uneventful and I really can't share anything exciting with you. However I did make it into the top 10 of our new speedrun league on concspeed on our server. Pretty proud of that, ok I'm at the bottom but I really suck at conc maps so to see me in there at all is a real achievement! Here is proof because I doubt the time will stay there very long!

Yeah that sadly really is all I have done today... Went to a few lectures that kind thing but it has been pretty dull. Also got a bit pissed off with one of the guys in our World of Warcraft Guild basically for getting us all killed a whole bunch of times in SFK but hey it was fun.

I have to leave you with something a little more interesting than the screenshot above so I've had a random scan though some old photos and found some classics. Here's a blast from the past it was requested a long time ago by the man himself so here it is Mike with his Mohawk - enjoy.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Gretchens English Page

Came across this today by clicking for a random blog. If you've never read the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe that this guy is talking about then it's worth a look. You can find it here.

On a separate note today is my computer free day. Note the my computer there because after all I am a computing student and need to use computers everyday so today I'm posting from University. When I started back at University this year I decided that I would have one day a week where my computer at home will stay off. That might not seem like such a big deal to many of you but I got to the point where I found my self turning the computer on first thing in the morning and then sitting there all day and finally turning it off at night. This is not good. Too much of anything is bad so I quit using my computer on Thursdays and I think it's done me a hell of a lot of good.

I have a picture for you all too but I'll have to post it tomorrow see you then.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Well 3 weeks later and I'm back at blogger. Time to make an actual post I think! I just finished reading Joshua Harris' book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye". Those who know me well joke about my past relationships and how all my ex-girlfriends have been married within 6 months of breaking up with me. It pretty harsh but I can see the funny side (Thank God!). So reading this book again has reminded me of a lot of things. The main thing being that I'm not ready to get married or even be in a relationship and I'm fine with that... For now.

As always I'll leave you with a picture (or try) here's one from Charlotte and Neil Coverly's wedding a bit later than planned. When I get hold of Graham again I'll get some photos of the happy couple posted. Well done to Willgoss for not sending me any pictures of the actual couple..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well here we are our new home. was a wonderful home for my website for many years and I'm sad to see it go but times change and the website had all but died anyway so maybe a clean start in a new place will do us some good!

I was worried about the lack of forums and things for us here but no one was really posting on the forums anyway so this should fit my needs and hopefully everyone else's.

I'll bring you a proper blog very soon and have a play around with the style of the site to get it looking a bit more individual so check back soon!