These past few weeks I've been playing Fable I played it last year on the xbox and when I found the PC version I thought I would give it a go. It's just as much fun as it was on the xbox and even more so because they've added loads of new quests for the PC version which I didn't get to do first time round. It's also helped me get over not playing World of Warcraft anymore, I miss wow... It was a great game but the trouble is it never ends! That's the trouble with all MMORPG's they just never end! I think for the sake of my sanity and social life that games should always have an end! Which is why I picked up Fable it's a great RPG (similar to wow in many ways) but it has an end when I finish the game I have to stop playing because there's nothing more for me to do!
Back to Fable anyway by far the best thing for me in the game is the voice acting it's just so funny! Lionhead Studio's are really good at this in all there games but in Fable it's classic really extreme British accents, not the posh ones but all the other stuff, the geezers, the farmers the stoned guys at the start! It's hilarious! The story line is ok not great it seems to take big jumps and I didn't really know why I was doing certain things. It also has loads of mini games like archery competitions, fist fighting, you can buy rent out and upgrade properties to make some cash, you age, you can get married (if you like) or go to the brothel! The big feature of the game is that you can choose to be good or evil. This seems to be happening in a lot of games now, the actions you take during the game govern the way people around you react to you presence. If you really nice they will cheer but if your evil then they'll run and hide. Not only that but your appearance also changes over time if your really good then you'll end up with a halo over your head, if your bad then you'll get devil horns! Of course I went for the good side but I might re-load one of my save games and just be all out evil to see what it like.

"We hung out at the rainbow where we drank til' half past two.
Nothing could go wrong anytime that I'm with you.
Like crashing a hotel room or leading up to that first kiss
Or searching for a high school that you know doesn't exist..."
Nothing could go wrong anytime that I'm with you.
Like crashing a hotel room or leading up to that first kiss
Or searching for a high school that you know doesn't exist..."
The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rools