For those that don't know the civilisation games allow you to run civilisation of your choosing. Which for me yesterday was the English. You build cities which grow over time, armies to defend agaisnt war or go and start your own, research scientific advances which allows you to improve your cities/armies etc. The games take a long time to play, you start in 4000bc and work your way up to modern times and beyond. The game I played yesterday took 6 hours. It's good fun though one of the new things in this game is they've put religion in the game so I spend a lot of my time building Christian Missionaries and sending them into other civilisations territories to convert them. This got the Spanish annoyed at me though because I had "Fallen under the influence of a heathen Religion" I think they were Buddhist or something. Anyways they eventually started a war with me which they lost. There musketeers and cannons weren't much use against my Tanks and Machine gunners, although there were more than a few occasions where my tanks or helicopters were destroyed by guys on horseback... Which I think is a little unrealistic.
Another area that's been improved alot is the graphics it's all 3D now and there's all kinds of stuff going on all the time that you can see. For example you zoom in on a mine and you can see the little mine carts bring stuff out of the mountains, you can see the sheep and cows moving around in the fields and you can see your cities grow in size and the improvements and wonders that you build in them. So if your looking for a good strategy game then I highly recommend this no complaints really only that it's too dammed addictive.

A few days ago I also got my first placement application to fill out. Next year I have the option of doing a years paid placement somewhere which I'm hoping to do providing I can find a decent one. The application I got if for the Ministry of defenses statistics department in London. It sound incredibly boring and I really don't want to do it. So I'm gonna fill out the application (which we have to do) tomorrow and try to do a bad job of it and just hope that something better come along soon.
Also tomorrow Marie-Claire is coming to stay for the weekend and I'm excited about seeing her again. We didn't see each other very much at all over the summer because she was up in Leeds working and I was down in Kent so it'll be great to catch up. That probably means that there will be no blogging either which is why this one is extra long.