Last night I went to see Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire overall I would say it's a good film nothing to get excited about really it's an improvement on the other films (I know that's not a difficult thing) but it still could of been a lot better. It felt too long for a start and yet being a big fan of the books I know how much they missed out. The acting... Well lets face it there getting better Daniel Radcliffe does make me laugh sometimes though it's just that bad and did they actually have any lessons at Hogwarts this year? I think there was one lesson in the film. They did do a lot of things well though, the special effects were very good as always, the Tri-Wizard Tournament was very well done I thought and all the stuff that they really should of got right they did e.g. The Return of "He who must not be named" was excellently done. The fact that it was a 12a certificate this time really did help, made for a much darker film. Oh and a few of my friends who had seen the film before were saying that Hermione Granger (aka Emma Watson) was kinda sexy... I just have to say NO! Wrong, wrong, wrong! She's 15!

"Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,
Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line.
I drove you to your house where we stared up at the stars
I listened to your heartbeat as I held you in my arms."
The Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rools