"Look at the lengths men will go to find the golden-haired woman. They have fought duels over her beauty; they have fought wars. You see, every man remembers Eve. We are haunted by her. And somehow we believe that if we could find her, get her back, then we'd also recover with her our own lost masculinity."
I read this the other night and thought. Yeah. Women. Man how many times have I fallen for someone thinking that I had found "The One" or "The answer to all my problems". It's bullshit. It can't keep happening. But it does. Why can't I just be content with having friends that are girls? When I'm not interested in anyone then I feel like I'm missing something. I feel the need to have a woman in my life to think about and worry about. I guess that's healthy for a guy but I'm tired of getting hurt I guess. Give it to God and let him take care of it I guess.
Anyway. I've had a pretty good few days, Friday night went to a prayer meeting for a churches together thing that's happening around here. I was actually really encouraged. One thing that really annoys me about the churches in England is that they all have something against each other. I don't know why Catholics, Church of England and all the rest of them don't like each other. I don't really care. It all seems a bit petty and childish to me. It's time to let all that stuff go because if all the churches in the UK would just work together then we would see God move a lot more. Anyway, this meeting I was at I was really encouraged. There was about 300 people there for about 15-20 different churches in Middlesbrough and they really seem to be having a go at working together. We've got a event being planned for 2007 in the Riverside stadium and these meetings are just about praying for the event, the area, each other and each others churches. I think it's awesome. Unity in the church is something that I'm really passionate about so it's great to see stuff like this.
Finally. Today was Matt Maudes stag do. It was really cool. He kind of knew that something was going on but didn't know what. He got a bit of a shock this morning when he saw us all standing at the end of his road. We took him off to Newcastle and played laser quest for a couple of hours, then came back to Middlesbrough and had some dinner whilst watching a movie. Laser quest was defiantly the highlight of the day. I haven't played since I was like 12. Running around in the dark shooting people and crashing into walls. It was expensive though I'm fairly sure it's doubled in price since I last played and by the looks of it the equipment and scenery hasn't been updated or had any work done to it since the place was built (which was probably about 10 years ago). It was a good laugh though. Matt is an awesome guy, I'm so blessed to have him here with me. God must of done that for a reason because the chances of us both being at the same University are pretty low.
Anyway. I've had a pretty good few days, Friday night went to a prayer meeting for a churches together thing that's happening around here. I was actually really encouraged. One thing that really annoys me about the churches in England is that they all have something against each other. I don't know why Catholics, Church of England and all the rest of them don't like each other. I don't really care. It all seems a bit petty and childish to me. It's time to let all that stuff go because if all the churches in the UK would just work together then we would see God move a lot more. Anyway, this meeting I was at I was really encouraged. There was about 300 people there for about 15-20 different churches in Middlesbrough and they really seem to be having a go at working together. We've got a event being planned for 2007 in the Riverside stadium and these meetings are just about praying for the event, the area, each other and each others churches. I think it's awesome. Unity in the church is something that I'm really passionate about so it's great to see stuff like this.
Finally. Today was Matt Maudes stag do. It was really cool. He kind of knew that something was going on but didn't know what. He got a bit of a shock this morning when he saw us all standing at the end of his road. We took him off to Newcastle and played laser quest for a couple of hours, then came back to Middlesbrough and had some dinner whilst watching a movie. Laser quest was defiantly the highlight of the day. I haven't played since I was like 12. Running around in the dark shooting people and crashing into walls. It was expensive though I'm fairly sure it's doubled in price since I last played and by the looks of it the equipment and scenery hasn't been updated or had any work done to it since the place was built (which was probably about 10 years ago). It was a good laugh though. Matt is an awesome guy, I'm so blessed to have him here with me. God must of done that for a reason because the chances of us both being at the same University are pretty low.
Anyway I've said enough! More than enough!