Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Long time no blog so I thought I would fill you all in on whats happening right now with me. Despite what you may think I have not been playing as much World of Warcraft as I have been, I've been trying to do my coursework but am finding many other things to distract me. I am making progress though it'll be a tight squeeze to get it all done by Friday but I'll manage, I always do. Oh and I got another ICA today to model and build a database in Microsoft SQL server 2003, gonna be a tough one but we've got till June to do it so loads of time.

A few weeks back Rachel (Chair of the CU) asked if I wanted to lead the prayer meeting that we have on Tuesday mornings and this morning was the morning. It's been ages since I've done anything like that so it was good to get the chance. I'm don't think I'm very good at leading but it went well this morning I think and so did the others which is encouraging. We've done a lot of praying for Alpha which is coming up at the end of February, not to mention 24/7 prayer week which is the week before Alpha starts so February will be a busy week CU wise.

I've been finding myself very easily distracted as I said earlier, if you are looking for something to distract you from work or whatever then I'll list a few of the things that I've been getting a bit carried away with while trying to do some work.

http:/ - Draw whatever you like then send the links to people and they can watch the art being re-drawn the exact same way you drew it. Heres a few of my creations - -

A few webforums, always good for a read - Mattous Forum, World of Warcraft Forums, FM Forums.

Lost has finally started showing again in America which means I've been watching it here. These past two episodes have been amazing! Some of the things that have been bugging me a lot have started to get explained a little more. Well not really explained but you do find out more about whats going on, but without still really understanding whats going on. I've been watching them with Pete now too which is defiantly better than watching them on my own and speaking of Pete it's his birthday this Friday which means Houseparty! then were off to Walkabout! Thats the same day my coursework has to be handed in so I'll have something additional to celebrate!

Fun a Societies day back at the start of the year, picture taken by Jo I believe.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Well I've had a break from my normal blog because I've been concentrating on my World of Warcraft Blog. I've been having a lot of fun with it, but today I decided to give it a rest because I was going a little crazy with the amount I've been playing.

I've been back at uni just over a week now and theres really not much to say. I'm still good and so is everyone else. During my boredom I decided to go looking for an Advert that I'd seen a few times that's really impressed me. The Sony Bouncy Balls website (or Sony BRAVIA < - my name is better) if you haven't seen it checkout the video because it's quite simply amazing.

Sony get 250,000 multi-coloured bouncy balls and start pouring them down the streets of San Francisco. First time I saw it I just thought it was some kind of special effect but when I realised that it was real I got a new found respect for Sony for doing something so crazy. The advert is in slow-motion with José González playing is song ‘Heartbeats’ in the background. The result is incredible and if it wasn’t shot on the streets of San Francisco then you would think it was alien. Beautiful stuff.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Well 2006 is officially here now as you all know. I'm tired and feeling pretty bored still at home. Tonight I'm off to Leeds and then tomorrow I'll be back at Uni in Middlesbrough. I can't wait to get back!

New Years Resolutions
  1. Quit Drinking - Just to see if I can

  2. Proper Diet - Instead of just freezer food everyday

  3. Do some work - Because I don't want to fail my second year

  4. Invest more time in relationship - With God and People

  5. Reinstall WoW - Rejoin British Beef and cause havoc on the Agamaggan server
There they are... How many of them will I keep? Who knows, I'm guessing not all of them but I bound to manage to keep a few :D

A note on WoW - yes I've decided to go back despite the fact that I quit only 6 weeks ago. I miss it too much and really want to get involved in the guild that I started again. I'm gonna roll either a Priest or Warrior because the guild doesn't have either (not decent ones anyway). I think I'll start by trying Priest but if it's not to my liking then I'll try Warrior. I'm going to be setting up a separate blog on my site for talking about WoW because I don't want to bore all the people that don't play.

Anyway happy new year everyone! I hope that you had a good night last night and that this year will be the best yet!