Also took a bit of a big step today and quit World of Warcraft (or am in the process of quitting) so I won't be playing it at all anymore. Sounds silly but it will be hard for me, I've been playing since last January now and have a lot of friends that play so I'll miss spending time with them but it's something I know I have to do. God has been calling me to give it up for a long time and I just haven't had the guts to do it but last night that kind changed I couldn't sleep for hours. The reason for that is because I'm reading Wild at Heart again it just stirs something in my heart when I read about it and I know I the things it's talking about. The main principle of the book is that men need 3 things and if they don't have them then something inside of them dies. An Adventure to live. Battle to fight. A Beauty to rescue. So I'm trying to get rid of some of the distraction in my life to make room for that stuff.
Another big bit of news is that I'm stepping down as co-leader of FM (FM is our gaming clan) I wasn't really doing much in it anyway anymore Watchout has been running it all pretty much. So to let someone else have a chance (someone that actually wants to be more involved) I'm just gonna step down to being a member. This will hopefully give me even more free time to do the things that I want to do because playing computer games all day everyday is fun but I need to let go of that stuff and make room for God!
I just and to say big thanks to all the guys that I've played with this past year it's been great getting to know you and I had a lot of fun. I'm not going anywhere I'll still be around on IRC, TS and on the forums but you won't see me so much in game. No disrespect to any of you either gaming is great but I need to spend more time IRL.
Here's a bit of a silly pic of me and Marie-Claire from our Prom way back in 2002 - wow how old am I!