I realised today that I have a bit of a problem with this blog. I've got at least 4 different groups of people who are likely to read it. There's people from home, people from Uni, people from the school in Canada and people I know online. I don't really know what to talk about. I can't just gear it towards one group of people because then the others will louse interest. So I guess the only way around it is to vary what I talk about as much as possible to try and keep everyone interested.
Anyway its November 5th today which means it's been like a warzone out side all night. Fireworks going off all over the place thankfully we didn't get any through our letterbox, but it is still only 12:40 so I guess there's still a chance but lets hope not!
Also... I keep getting sent these damned invitations to join peoples friends networks and to stop the spam once and for all I decided to join one. From what I can tell it is a spamfest inside too. I sign up to this thing and its sent a load of invitations off to people asking them to join my network, people I'm sure I don't know. I'm beginning to think that it was a bad move! I think I'll just stick with the blogging :D
Here's a pic of home - how I miss it...