I love this website, the wallpapers on there are brilliant! One to suit almost every mood and feeling. I've been using it for years so I thought I would share it

with you. If your looking for somewhere to get good original backgrounds then give it a look. I just changed mine, I seem to be changing them with the weather. A few weeks back it was raining loads so I went with a rainy pic, now it's getting cold I've gone for a cold look.

And no the guy that makes these isn't paying me, just take a look. I've had a pretty good day today, church was very holy sprity again which I love. Had a great chat with my mate Jo on the way back from lunch at the pub. It's just good to know that I'm not the only one that struggles with girls and that I'm not the only one that's trying to just give it all to God. Not a dig at anyone who is dating or engaged, bless you guys :)