On Tuesday I had the pleasure of going to Matthew Maude and Miriam (Mim) Hiltons wedding. It was a brilliant day a big congratulations to you guys. Matt and Mim have only known each other a little more than a year and started seeing each other on January 1st of this year! Which is really cool, kinda puts things in perspective. To imagine that I could start seeing someone on January 1st and be married to them in less than a year... Crazy. Not that it's gonna happen, I'm defiantly not ready for marriage.
I'm back home in Kent now which has been pretty cool so far. I've had a bit of a boring day today though there's nothing really to do. Yesterday I finished off my shopping when I went into town with Maggie and saw a bunch of the guys at the pub in the evening. We are still in need of a venue for New Years Eve, we really need somewhere to have a party.
I've been doing a lot of looking around on the web because I've been bored and talking to my mates who still play world of warcraft. Man I miss that game. I'm really tempted to start playing again in the new year. I've been saying that I'll wait for the expansion pack to come out before I install it again but the way things are going now I dunno. Anyways Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you get what you want and enjoy the day tomorrow!