Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Information Overload!

Good and reasonably productive day today, I haven't done any work but it's been one of those days where I got lots of little important things done. So now hopefully I can concentrate harder on doing some work. I sorted out the tax exemption form (because student don't have to pay it woohoo!), set things in motion for getting an interview for placement next year sorted and ordered my new phone (very excited about that one!).

These past couple of days I've had the opportunity to help out my good friend Matt Maude who is getting married in just under 2 weeks now. He's just moved into his house so has loads of things to do so I've been helping him get things sorted wherever I can. I've been lifting heavy stuff, making flatpack wardrobes and things. It's really good fun actually I haven't had any real experience doing that stuff and it's good practice for me when I eventually go down that road myself!

Also if your bored (and if your reading this you probably are or at least will be by now) then check out this site I stumbled upon the other day It's an online encyclopedia that anyone can add too or change. There is so much information in there it's crazy I spent all afternoon reading about Jehovah's Witnesses, Freemasons and all kinds of other things. I think as a Christian I think it's important to know what other religions/cults believe in relation to what I believe it's pretty fascinating. This site is really cool because anything your unsure of is bound to have a link explaining it, also almost any name or place mentioned will have a whole section of its own too. I could easily get lost in this site for hours!

I'm trying to get into the Christmas spirit, need to do my shopping bigtime! Here's my new wallpaper! As always from check it out!