Before we could even read we were shown pictures of dinosaurs and were told that they lived 70 million years ago, after we'd learnt to read we read it for ourselves and if you were anything like me you loved dinosaurs and lets face it they are pretty cool. But I was more interested in space in school we were taught that 20 billion years ago there was a big bang and about 4 billion years ago the earth was formed and gradually over the last few billion years humans evolved from some kind of soup that appeared when the rocks go rained on.
For years I didn't have any problem with this until about 3 and a half years ago when I became a Christian. You see evolution has been a bit of a problem for me these past few years. In the bible it says that God created the earth and everything in it in just 7 days (see Genisis 1:1-2:10). Now I believe that the bible is true but I'll be honest this was probably the toughest thing for me. All my life we've been taught that the universe is billions of years old and we evolved from some kind of soup which came alive (I don't pretend to understand it that’s just what it seems like to me). You see this presents a huge problem for me the Bible says God created the Universe and everything in it in 7 days but evolution says that 20 billion years ago something exploded and here we are. Who do I/we believe?
One of these must be true unless there both wrong. I've never questioned the power of God I believe that for God making the Universe and everything in it in 7 days is very possible I don't doubt that God is capable of that, it's just that everything that evolution teaches tells us, that the universe is billions of years old. So could the world really be only 6,000 years old? That’s the number that you get if you add up all the dates in the bible. These are even the dates we use to record historical events and know what year it is (not that that's got anything to do with what I'm getting at here).
Now I don't really know where I'm going with this I'm still trying to figure it all out for myself. About a week ago one of the guys in my small group gave us all a copy of some seminars by an American speaker called Dr Kent Hovid. His seminars revealed some very interesting things, not all the things he talks about are facts but almost all of the things that kids find in there school text books about evolution have been proved wrong and for some reason they are still in the text books. One theory that has been proven wrong since the late 1800's still appears in the text books as evidence that evolution true. They weren't proven wrong by creationists either they were proved wrong by evolutionists. I'm not going to go through it all I would be writing all night if I did. If your interested then look for yourself at Dr Hovid's website post your comments and feelings about it here. Like I said I don't have the answers and this website probably doesn't have them all either but I've found it very interesting so have a look and tell me what you think.
Yes I'm still playing World of Warcarft (our guild British Beef is going great) but I'm cutting down (man I sound like an addict - lets face it I am) University work is going well got a B in my last bit of course work which I'm pretty pleased with. For those of you down in Kent I'll be coming back on the evening of the 7th of April and coming back up north sometime around the 19th of 20th. See you soon!